
Brand Strategy :: Futurista
Advertising :: O Escritório
Project Management :: O Escritório

Project type ::


Since the last 2 decades soft drink consumption has been shrinking, and so is Sumol — one of the key soft drinks operating in the Portuguese market.  Pressured by a novelty-hunger 18-24 target; as well as by a strong international competition such as Coca-Cola and Fanta, Sumol holds the second most consumed soft drink (after coca-cola) and the first in the fruit flavours segment. They wanted to refresh the brand, a new brand essence and a new communication concept. O Escritório asked futurista to do the brand strategy and define Sumol’s new brand essence.


In opposition to the globalised (american) culture conveyed by coca-cola, Sumol represents portuguese pop culture. It preserves the same character from generations, and a unique flavour that endures. Sumol is an authentic shameless brand that stands for uniqueness and not for an artificial global identity.

We defined Sumol’s brand essence the celebration of authenticity: to celebrate the courage to stand out, to be who we are, which O Escritório smartly converted in the idea of being shameless, with the tagline Orgulhosamente Sumol, meaning “Proudly Sumol”, and a brilliant brand manifesto.